
Customer cases

  • Posted by maria c Andersson
May 5, 2023
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  • Posted by maria c Andersson
  • Posted by Mattias Eriksson
March 25, 2022
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  • Posted by Mattias Eriksson
April 16, 2021
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“It feels very good to have HANZA as a partner! HANZA has guided us through the manufacturing process because it is not our core competence. Our new strategy is to focus on developing new products and opening new customer markets. ”

Richard Jägrud

CEO Silva

“We have developed a tailor-made and quality-assured manufacturing solution with significantly higher flexibility and at a significantly lower cost. With HANZA as a partner, we are well prepared and can handle new markets that are in the process of establishing deposit systems. ”

Gudmund Larsen

VD, RVM Systems