Promoting a sustainable global development

HANZA, as a global company with the goal of modernizing and streamlining the manufacturing industry, has a holistic perspective on sustainability. The business has an impact on the environment but also on other parts of society such as people’s health and safety at work.


HANZA’s main impact on the environment, people and business ethics arises both in the group’s own operations and in the supplier- and customer chain. To ensure that the principles and rules that HANZA follows regarding the environment, labor law, human rights and business ethics are also followed by our suppliers, consultants and other representatives, our measures are taken to counteract negative impact and promote benefit in several parts of the group’s value chain. HANZA’s three focus areas are environment and climate, safety and ethics and employees.

Environment & climate

In order to reduce their climate and environmental footprint, customers are requesting collaborations with suppliers that have environmentally sustainable and controlled production methods as well as manufacturing close to the customers.

Goal completion

Significantly reduced carbon dioxide emissions

  • Annually increase the proportion of energy use from fossil-free energy sources in own operations.
  • Annually reduce emissions of CO2 from energy use in own operations in relation to sales.

Reduce use of natural resources and energy

  • Annually reduce energy use in own operations in relation to sales (MWh/SEK million).
  • Annually reduce water consumption in own production in relation to sales (m3/MSEK).

Reduce other emissions

  • Annually reduce waste and hazardous waste in relation to sales for electronics and mechanics respectively (tons of waste/MSEK and tons of hazardous waste/MSEK).

Safety & ethics

HANZA works with customers who place high demands on their suppliers. In order to establish long-term relationships with customers as well as employees and the rest of society, we act with high integrity regarding ethics and information security and ensure the same high standard among our suppliers.

Goal completion

Offer data security of a high international standard

  • Zero damage from data breaches.

Maintain high business ethics among employees

  • Zero incidents of corruption.
  • All employees must be informed about HANZA’s code of conduct for employees.

Maintain high business ethics among suppliers

  • All significant suppliers to HANZAs must confirm HANZAs code of conduct for suppliers.
  • Annual audits of significant suppliers to ensure compliance with HANZA’s Supplier Code of Conduct.


Our approximately 2,000 employees contribute greatly to HANZA’s innovative thinking and profitability. Continuous supply of skills and employees feeling safe in their workplace is vital for HANZA’s continued growth.

Goal completion

Offer a safe and secure workplace, free from occupational injuries, victimization and discrimination

  • HANZA’s long-term goal is zero work-related injuries. Annually reduce the number of incidents resulting in absence from work (LTIFR).
  • All employees must be informed about HANZA’s anonymous whistleblowing function.
  • Zero cases of determined discrimination.
  • Annual employee survey that results in a concrete activity program.

Promote equality and strive for diversity

  • Annually increase the proportion of women in managerial roles.
  • All employees with a managerial role must be trained in HANZA’s Diversity policy.

Sustainability Report 2024 (Swedish version)

Sustainability is an integral part of our strategy, and we are constantly striving to improve. To find out more, please read our sustainability report which describes our work in detail.

Shaping a better world

Our planet is reaching a tipping point on climate change. We don’t claim to have all the answers, but one thing is true: We are deeply committed to manufacturing high-quality products more efficiently with less environmental impact. It requires a systematic approach that is beneficial to people and their local communities, the planet and society at large. In this area, the HANZA offering gives you a number of key advantages:

Local is smarter

Our local manufacturing clusters, often in rural locations away from cities, mean less transport, lower CO2 pollution – and more local jobs.

Meeting standards

In addition to local standards, most of our factories are quality certified according to ISO-9001 and environmentally certified according to ISO-14001.

Safety first

As part of our EHS policy, our safety and health policies place a top priority on promoting the health and operational safety of our employees.

0 %

Group gender balance: Female

0 %

Group gender balance: Male

Supplier Code of Conduct

The HANZA Supplier Code of Conduct is based on universally recognized standards for human rights, labor, anti-corruption and environment. It has been created to ensure that our supply chain relationships are compliant with these standards, as well as HANZA’s values and processes. From 2023, it is a requirement that all of our suppliers must sign our Supplier Code of Conduct.

HANZA's Diversity Policy

HANZA strives to create a diverse and inclusive culture in which differences are embraced, respected and valued and everyone can be at their best. We are convinced that by recognizing diversity we will attract the greatest talent.

Sustainability for
a better future

Does your company strive to reduce its carbon footprint? Do you have high environmental goals? Then you will be happy to know that our business model can help you in several crucial ways.

By using a supplier with all manufacturing units gathered locally, you avoid long-distance transports of components and parts, which reduces your carbon footprint. Our decisions regarding manufacturing processes and production components are always based on environmentally cost-effective sustainability.


Sustainability is integrated into HANZA’s business model and strategy, and is taken into account in all strategic decisions. Sustainability work is structured with clear objectives, metrics and activities, which contributes to HANZA’s long-term business and a positive societal development. We strive to maximize quality and safety, optimize the business process and minimize use of energy and carbon dioxide emissions.

Through our advisory role, it is possible to interact with customers where manufacturing solutions are tailored – with a long-term focus. The result is a production that is strategically designed from an economic, environmental and social sustainability perspective.

Control and follow-up take place in three overall areas

  • Environment and climate
  • Safety and ethics
  • Employees

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

Major global challenges such as the climate crisis, poverty, injustice, inequality and corruption pose long-term threats to global stability and economic growth. When the United Nations adopted the 2030 Agenda and 17 global development goals in 2015 to address these challenges, member states, its companies and organizations made a commitment to contribute to the goals and transform their actions. Much work remains to be done and it is therefore essential that all parties in society contribute. HANZA has identified a number of development goals, where our activities contribute to several sub-goals.


All positive actions have the power to make a difference

At HANZA we are always striving to get better and we want to make a difference! To achieve results, it is important to have clear and measurable targets that are continuously reviewed. To help us minimize our overall negative impact on the environment and society, as well as to measure our progress, HANZA has committed  to work with selected external partners and initiatives.

HANZA has partnered with leading sustainability ratings provider Ecovadis to help build more sustainable supply chains. By undergoing an Ecovadis assessment, suppliers will receive a sustainability rating as well as guidance on improvements. During 2023, HANZA will request Ecovadis participation from its significant and strategic suppliers

The United Nations Global Compact is the world’s largest corporate sustainability initiative, where companies world-wide are asked to align their strategies with universal principles on human rights, labor, environment and anti-corruption. By joining Global Compact, HANZA commits to act according to these principles, and be part of the journey towards a sustainable future

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Many solutions - one partner

Speed and efficiency in product development are crucial success factors. We know what drives costs and what to consider.