

Many solutions – one partner

Do you seek to reduce your manufacturing costs and shorten time-to-market? Would you like to cut the risks and improve sustainability? HANZA helps you, regardless of whether you need advice or want to outsource the entire process. We offer solutions for everything from design and development, to business analysis, manufacturing and services throughout the product life cycle.

Local manufacturing technologies


Sometimes it’s smart to put all your eggs in one basket! At HANZA, we gather different manufacturing technologies locally to be able to offer comprehensive solutions and services from the same place. This means that we can minimize costs, shorten lead times and make the process more environmentally friendly. Through a high degree of automation and flexibility, we can cost-effectively handle both smaller and larger volumes and, through our logistics solutions, quickly deliver close to your markets.

Extensive specialist areas

Our areas of expertise in manufacturing include sheet metal and machining, PCB assembly, electronics development, cabling, product assembly, turbine technology and much more.

20210218 Wermech Töcksfors den 18 februari 2021Foto: Fredrik Karlsson/SolstaFoto

Tech Solutions

We help you with design, planning, targets, product development and growth. Our own teams of designers, engineers and manufacturing experts take your best innovations from concept to finished products at a competitive price.

Working culture

Advisory services

Through our advisory services we can help reduce your costs to create profitable growth. A HANZA analysis will assist you in identifying bottlenecks, finding potential for improvement for increased efficiency and optimizing your purchases.

“It feels very good to have HANZA as a partner! HANZA has guided us through the manufacturing process because it is not our core competence. Our new strategy is to focus on developing new products and opening new customer markets.”

Richard Jägrud

CEO Silva

“We have developed a tailor-made and quality-assured manufacturing solution with significantly higher flexibility and at a significantly lower cost. With HANZA as a partner, we are well prepared and can handle new markets that are in the process of establishing a deposit system.”

Gudmund Larsen

VD, RVM Systems