Electronics to detect nuclear radiation
Electronics to detect nuclear radiation
To detect hidden nuclear radiators, it is often mandatory in sectors such as steel production or waste management to measure radioactivity. Our customer offers bridge measuring machines for trucks or railway wagons, conveyor belt systems or flue gas detectors. Measuring the spectrum of gamma rays takes place with the help of a scintillator in combination with a photomultiplier. The output signals are then interpreted by the electronics developed by us. To evaluate the data, two powerful 32bit-microcontrollers are used which prepare the data and send it to a server via Ethernet. The measurement electronics do not only offer the actual measuring function but also substantial additional functions, e. g. dynamic temperature stabilization and an additional channel for a Geiger-Mueller-tube. Power supply can be achieved through either a wide range input or power-over-Ethernet. Since the measurement electronics is being operated under harsh conditions it is designed to work in a wide range of temperature and is non-sensitive to vibrations.