These pages contain information for you as an investor, shareholder, analyst or other stakeholder. Financial reports and other relevant information about the company and its Board is published here.
Here you can find our latest financial news and press releases.
These include HANZA’s quarterly reports, annual reports, investor presentations and audiocast recordings.
Listen to our latest Audiocast recording or download the presentation.
Read the latest commissioned researches.
Jakob Söderblom – es.eigenrac@molbredos.bokaj
Oliver Uusitalo – es.anrarapseitka@olatisuu.revilo
Fredrik Nilsson – es.eyeder@nosslin.kirderf
Analysts following HANZA
Anders Roslund – moc.cesoterap@dnulsor.sredna
Billion SEK turnover
Equity ratio
Here are our contact details for investors. You are welcome to contact us.
Share listing: Nasdaq Stockholm
Ticker code: HANZA
ISIN code: SE0005878543

+46 73 025 14 56
HANZA will achieve its goals through the company’s:
Business advice – to offer qualified business advice, which enables increased growth and profitability for the company’s customers.
Manufacturing clusters – to develop a broad spectrum of manufacturing technologies in selected strategic geographical areas.
Customer portfolio – to create a well-balanced customer portfolio to reduce business risk and provide cost benefits for both HANZA and the company’s customers.
Acquisition – to complement geography, technology or customer portfolio through strategic acquisitions.
Sales of at least SEK 6.5 billion and an operating margin of at least 8% applicable to the full year 2025. The equity/assets ratio must be at least 30%, and net interest-bearing debt/adjusted EBITDA must not exceed 2.5. Dividend of approximately 30% of the profit after tax, taking into account the financial position of the company.
Profits must primarily be reinvested in the business to enable continued business development of the Group and thereby create sales and earnings growth. When assessing the size of the dividend, consideration must therefore first be given to the fact that the Group’s development can take place with financial strength and good freedom of action. Provided that business development so permits, the dividend shall correspond to 30 percent of the profit after tax.
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