Research project DAKI
Research project DAKI
On December 1, 2021, the “DAKI-FWS” project was launched, which aims to develop new models and methods to strengthen the resilience of the economy. The coronavirus and flood crises have impressively demonstrated the extent to which our economy can be affected by external influences. As part of the new research project, an early warning system will be developed that integrates various data sources. It will be modular in such a way that as many different companies from different sectors as possible can use the system. The researchers want to achieve that German companies will be better prepared for crisis situations in the future. Application scenarios are epidemics/pandemics, as well as floods, storms and heat waves. The new system aims to identify the impact of such crises on different areas. For example, the future impact of heat waves on agricultural yields.
In this research project, we are responsible for recording and evaluating the needs of medium-sized companies. This ensures that this early warning system will be helpful for the highest number of German companies possible.
The following partners are involved in the project:
Charité University Medicine Berlin
D4L data4life gGmbH
Hasso Plattner Institute for Digital Engineering gGmbH
Justus Liebig University Giessen
Robert Koch Institute
Zuse Institut Berlin